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thank you

for your support!

Update: We have a $5,000 financial match on the table!


We have a generous donor who has put up a $5,000 match that will double any donations put toward our Student Success Fund. 


The Student Success Fund will help to pay for food on occasions of unexpected need, public transit for students when students can't cover the cost to get to class or their internship sites, or be used to cover a safety training that a student needs, but can’t pay for, to accept a job offer etc.


Put Workshop U Student Success Fund' in the comment-box, your donation will be doubled.


Curious about our financial model?


During our pilot years, Workshop U is free for students thanks to your generosity – and we can't do it without your help.


We are currently pursuing the college accreditation process which will unlock federal funding. Tuition will then be set at the maximum Federal Pell Grant and state grant rates (currently about $13,000) so that the lowest-income students can earn a degree from Workshop U without any student loan debt.

4731 Ludlow St.

Philadelphia PA 19139


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